Quick TimeZone setting on Centos
This is a quick way of setting timezone on Centos Box, this may be similar on other distro or may differ a little, but I have to put it here for future reference.
It can be done as root
If you hava a localtime file on /etc, you may just have to rename it. Then after renaming, do the command below:
Here, I'm setting the time to Manila or Philippines Time Zone, or you may select particular timezone inside /usr/share/zoneinfo/
It can be done as root
cd /etc
If you hava a localtime file on /etc, you may just have to rename it. Then after renaming, do the command below:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Manila localtime
Here, I'm setting the time to Manila or Philippines Time Zone, or you may select particular timezone inside /usr/share/zoneinfo/